Pinewood Derby
The Pinewood Derby is all about the Scouts! While adults can help with power tools, the design and assembly should come from the Scout. We want every car to be a reflection of their creativity and hard work. If adults want to showcase their skills, the exhibition race is perfect for you!
We can’t wait to see everyone’s cars and cheer on our Scouts! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Breakfast items and pizza will be available, managed by our Tiger den as part of our annual tradition.
Where: East Side Cafeteria
Check-in: 9:00-10:00 am. Please don’t wait until the last minute to check in your car! We usually wrap by 3: 00pm or earlier
Racing: Starts with the youngest den and proceeds throughout the day.
Pack Race: The top cars from all grades will compete to determine the overall winner.
Exhibition Race: After the Scout races, we’ll hold an exhibition race for adults, siblings, and anyone else who wants to join the fun. The entry fee is $20 per car, with cash prizes for the top racers!
What to Expect When You Arrive
Weight Check: Ensure your car is as close to 5oz as possible.
Car Modifications: Make final adjustments to your car’s weight.
Graphite Application: Carefully apply graphite; use the box provided to contain any excess.
Registration: Complete your car’s registration. Your Den leaders should be reaching out soon to get your car name. This will allow us to pre-populate the software before race day, significantly speeding up the event. If we don’t have your car name, it will default to “[Last Name] Car” or a generic name we choose.
Compliance Check: Volunteers will confirm that your car meets the rules.